Top Reasons Why Automobile Brands Need Localization Services | Beyond Wordz

Beyond Wordz
3 min readAug 23, 2023


Localization Services

Since the invention of the automobile back in the 1800s, the way the world transported goods and people changed for the better as global transport systems became efficient, safer and faster.

These days, most of us take the automobile sector for granted but that should not be the case. Now, it is time to come back to the topic. Since this post is not paying homage to the automobile sector, it is time to learn about the top reasons why automobile brands need localization services.

What are the top reasons that compel automobile manufacturers to seek localization services?

The top reasons that compel automobile manufacturers to seek localization services are as follows.

  • Localization and translation services providers help automobile brands that recently entered into a new market to increase their respective market shares by letting the OEMs communicate with their targeted customer segments in local languages, their respective dialects and customizing promotional content for automobiles and collateral needed for related services.
  • Automobile brands thrive only when their overall reputation as an automotive manufacturer has surpassed the reputation of their rivals. With help from localization agencies, automobile manufacturers can enhance their reputation by offering their customers localized user manuals and related collateral that is used to promote an automobile.
  • Automotive localization services help OEMs to build trust with their stakeholders easily.
  • Localization of promotional collateral also allows automobile manufacturers to comply with the local and national laws of the nations where the business is operating.
  • Localized promotional collateral also helps automobile manufacturers to increase the sales of their new products and promote the products that are at the end of their life cycle in a bid to clear existing stocks.
  • Localization services also allow automobile manufacturers to enhance the satisfaction levels of their customers by many folds.

Can localization help automobile brands succeed in emerging markets?

As per the professional opinion of an automotive localization expert associated with a premier localization agency, one can take the case of Hyundai Motors Company and Volkswagen Auto Group example where it is clear that these two brands used localization services to create their respective local value chains as well as ecosystems. The outcome of this approach is that both brands performed better over the years in India. So yes, localization does help automobile brands succeed in emerging markets.

Which areas of the automotive manufacturing sector rely on localization?

  • Localization service providers help automobile manufacturers localize contracts, warranties, user manuals and service manuals.
  • Localization services in India are also available by automobile manufacturers to localize all marketing collaterals like billboard content, magazine content, website content, and infomercial as well as TVC content. Localization agencies also help automobile brands to localize and translate content for product catalogues as well as information brochures that are frequently used in dealerships to woo customers.
  • Providers of website localization services and app localization services also step in to help automobile manufacturers to localize the software and UI of all onboard display units one can typically find in a modern-day car, motorcycle or any other form of automobile.

Localization lets automotive brands deliver consistent messaging to their customers

Delivering consistent promotional messaging is essential for any automobile manufacturing brand especially if it wants to succeed in a multilingual and multicultural emerging market like India. If the reader is associated with an automotive brand and has been tasked to find a language service provider specializing in automotive localization services then it would be best for them to contact BeyondWordz — a revered LSP with decades of experience in the sector and capable of rendering automotive localization services in more than 100 languages.



Beyond Wordz
Beyond Wordz

Written by Beyond Wordz


Beyond Wordz specialized in website translation and localization. Providing best website translation services in Mumbai, India.

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