Content Localization Services — Here’s Why Your Brand Needs It!

Beyond Wordz
4 min readJan 11, 2024


Running a business is harder than what the average person can even fathom. Add local, national or international-level expansion into the process of running an enterprise then even the most seasoned entrepreneur will be left sweating! According to the professional opinion of a spokesperson for an agency that offers professional content localization services in India, this is the reason why most entrepreneurs tend to hesitate from even envisioning the idea of expanding their business.

However, the complexities and perceived risks of business expansion can be minimized when a brand or company makes content localization services part of its expansion plan(s).

What is content localization?

The process of transforming, adapting and creative creation of content that ultimately conforms to a brand or a company’s identity all the while remaining relevant to the linguistic as well as cultural preferences of the targeted market segment(s) is known as content localization.

How content localization is done?

  • The first step is market research. This is done to make sure the linguists working on a content localization project have a clear understanding of the preferences, buying habits and culture of the people in the targeted market segment.
  • The next step is to translate the source pieces of content to the targeted language(s).
  • The next step is professional localization of the translated content using keywords and key phrases that are repeatedly used by people in the target market segment(s). Elements like User Interface, User Experience, dates, units, addresses, etc. are also localized to ensure that the content gels with the social, religious, political, legal and cultural preferences of the target market segment.

Why do brands choose to localize their promotional content?

Content translation services have slowly but surely made their way into the inner circles of the corporate world. In simple words, every company, irrespective of its age, size or the sector it belongs to, invests their resources in translation and localization of its promotional content.

But why?

Well, several reasons compel entrepreneurs to rely on their preferred content localization agencies. Some of those reasons are mentioned in the sections below.

To invoke a positive response from the targeted market segments

Several independent studies looking into the efficacy of content localization came up with similar data that proves localized content always ends up invoking a positive response about a company or a brand and their respective offerings among the ones that have been targeted by the enterprise in question.

In simple words, companies that aim to gain the trust and loyalty of their customers should invest in content localization, period!

Localization makes a brand appealing to the target market segment(s)

Localization and content writing services help brands make sure that their global marketing campaigns are adapted to the target audience segment’s taboos, customs, buying habits and linguistic preferences. This allows brands to offer personalized experiences to the customers they are trying to woo which ultimately results in making the brand appealing to the targeted masses.

Localization entails the highest ROI compared to other online marketing processes

Compared to the many ways available to a business owner these days (thanks to the internet) that can be used to promote a brand, localization entails reasonable upfront costs. Furthermore, the time taken by localized content to show the desired results is also short. On top of this, as per the professional opinion of a spokesperson for the leading content localization company, the return on investment factor of localization services is the highest among all known digital marketing methods and tools.

Localization makes customers loyal towards a brand

When similar products or services are being offered by multiple brands, the competitiveness prevalent in the targeted market segment is often overwhelming. When a brand is new in a market segment, customers might not feel the need to be loyal to the business. They might buy a product or subscribe to the services offered by the brand in question once and never come back. To make a one-time customer into a permanent customer, localization services can be considered irreplaceable.

BeyondWordz is the best place to localize your brand

Content localization is a complex and lengthy process that has many aspects. It is not the mere word-to-word translation of content. You would need to make sure your content is localized using bespoke strategies that are unique to your company and its offerings. In other words, you need help from the experts of content localization associated with reputed agencies like BeyondWordz. To learn more about the agency and everything it can do to help your brand unlock its true potential, contact the firm today!



Beyond Wordz

Beyond Wordz specialized in website translation and localization. Providing best website translation services in Mumbai, India.